Changes to these pages -- new stuff
A list of new pages and changes to pages to allow you to find the new stuff. But do use the main +ORC index page, as that's where everything new gets listed first.
- November 4 - update to tools page with new info.
- October 9 - slight update to the contact page
- October 8 - Hurrah! something new - (but not much, yet). See the tools and the Wotsup pages
- August 13 - Got the 'flu but new stuff's coming (eventually) See the "Wotsup" page
- July 28 - New snippet: a +ORC "newsgroup"?
- July 18 (delayed) - New snippet: Gold = Oz?
- July 18 - Contacting +ORC: impossible? - and a message for him from +daQ
- July 9 - Two new +ORC candidates? See Snippets page
- June 21 - Reviews of some very good URL-sniffing tools (work in progress)
- June 20 - Another message from "Hugh" added to his original
- June 19 - Definitely not dead, according to +daQ: see revised "King"
- June 18 - Is +ORC Dead?? Long live the King!
- June 14 - Is the Riddle a substitution cipher?
- June 10 - An essay on thinking simple when trying to solve the Riddle. Is this the end?
- June 8 - Is there a pattern of "fives" associated with the Riddle?
- June 4 - Updated Snippets with an idea from Sasben that the Riddle may include a Port number
- May 31 - More Heraldic source information
- Updated the Main +ORC page with additional info on +ORC's age
- May 29 - A message on the Riddle from Janos, the Owl
- May 28 - A new page about a new clue that was found and - horrors! - lost?
- May 28 - A new contribution about +ORC as a writer, and a bit more on the Riddle.
- May 20 - a new page on large scale URL sniffing - the brute force approach.
- a new page on the Tolkien connection - an exercise in missing information.
- May 19 - What, nothing new? Almost...
- May 16 - Forget +ORC's vodka Martinis: here are Basilisk's Trinidad Punch recipes.
- May 15 - added an extra bit to the "snippets" page following an email from the Joker.
- May 14 - added a "snippets" page for short ideas not yet worked through.
- May 13 - added an index page here
- added a page with different fonts to find any problems here
- May 12 - added a short page on other ideas I've tried, here.
- May 11 - added a page on heraldic texts and a comparison with the Riddle, linked from the main +ORC page;
- added to the target ranges page.
- May 10 - added a page from Hackmore Readrite explaining how URL numbering systems work, and extended the page on likely target ranges
Comment: +ORC == Petr Horak?? See main +ORC page
- May 9 - added a new page on likely URL target ranges for the +ORC URL
- May 8 - got this "changes" page organised;
+ added new section to main +ORC page on likely target ranges of possible +ORC URL solutions
- May 7 - added comments from the anonymous "Hugh" about +ORC the man;
+ added more data to main +ORC page
on possible Riddle meaning of "bars"
- May 6 - message from +ORC added here
- May 5 - modified this page; added barcode
+ added comments to main +ORC page from Haye -- go there
- May 3 - added to comments page
- May 2 - added first page of comments from other
+ORC searchers
- April 30 - this Website and main +ORC page open
for business